Capacity Building for Internal Complaints Committee
This training is meant for capacity Building for the Internal Complaints Committee as per Prevention of Sexual Harassment Act, 2013 regarding their role in the redressal of Sexual Harassment incidents in the organisations. We also provide the External Member service for the Internal Complaints Committee
This program is to enhance the knowledge of Internal Complaints Committee on their role and responsibilities and getting well versed with the procedures of registering complaints on sexual harassment at workplace, conciliation and formal procedures for redressal, knowing the interim measures, conducting inquiry, writing the report and making recommendations to the management
Key Takeaways
- Understanding the important variables in WLB
- Knowing your present level of efficiency in handling WLB using a psychometric scale
- Understanding the role of organizations in facilitating WLB
- Understanding the role of an employee in achieving WLB
- Clearing the roadblocks
- Knowing various options to achieve WLB
- Evaluating an organisation culture in terms of WLB